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Workshop Details

Workshop Title: Geriatric Posture & Performance
Speaker: John Wilson
Start Date:3/12/2016 End Date: 3/13/2016
CEU Hours: 15
Location: Seattle, WA United States
Target Audience:
Regardless of reason (aging, injury,central nervous system dysfunction, fatigue and even fear) poor posture andstructural alignment leads to decreased performance and function. Poor posture can even lead to breathingproblems and contribute to devastating falls. Geriatric Postural Analysis and Treatment is a two-day, interactiveseminar designed to enhance the ability of clinicians to treat older patientswith various disease processes in improving posture and ultimately function. Utilizing a joint by joint approach ofaddressing either mobility or stability deficits the clinician will treat theentire patient from a postural standpoint using a holistic approach of jointand soft tissue mobilization, PROM and stretching, therapeutic activities designed to mobilize the patient in weight bearing and reflexively stabilizethem in functional movement patterns. Follow-up strength and proprioceptive training to improve motor learningwill be added. As many geriatricpatients have difficulty with breathing (using accessory muscles, anxietybreathing, paradoxical breathing to name a few common dysfunctions seen) aseparate section investigating the role of breathing on core stability,respiration and the ability to perform quality movement patterns will beconsidered.The participant will leave this coursewith a progressive, safe, and thorough understanding of evidence-basedapproaches to basic postural mobility/stability improvement for optimalfunction. This beginner to intermediatelevel course combines lecture, demonstration and extensive lab time designed for participants to practice motor skills covered inlecture that will immediately increase clinical skill in obtaining effectivefunctional outcomes in an efficient manner in all settings of geriatric practice.
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