Exercise Program

Exercise Protocol for Neck-Shoulder Pain

From Andersen et al.

Consult your healthcare provider before beginning this exercise program. If you experience any pain or difficulty with any exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider. The Hygenic Corporation is not liable for any injuries incurred while using exercises or programs accessed via this website. User must wear suitable eye protection such as safety goggles to protect against possibility of eye injury as a result of the band or tube snapping towards the face if grip is lost or if the band or tube breaks.

Exercise Protocol for Neck-Shoulder Pain

From Andersen et al.

Perform this exercise twice a day, 5 days a week

CLX Shoulder Scaption / Elevation - Bilateral

CLX Shoulder Scaption / Elevation--Bilatera
CLX Shoulder Scaption / Elevation--Bilatera
Begin by placing hands inside the end Easy Grip loops.With a staggered stance place one foot in the center of the CLX.With a closed hand grip and thumbs pointed upward begin raising your arms to shoulder level, maintaining a 30◦ angle in front of your body. Be sure not to “shrug” your shoulders and keep your back straight while performing this exercise. Hold briefly and slowly return to starting position.

Consult your healthcare provider before beginning this exercise program. If you experience any pain or difficulty with any exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider. The Hygenic Corporation is not liable for any injuries incurred while using exercises or programs accessed via this website. User must wear suitable eye protection such as safety goggles to protect against possibility of eye injury as a result of the band or tube snapping towards the face if grip is lost or if the band or tube breaks.

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