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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here is the answer to your frequently-asked question:


Your question was: Why do the bands or tubing break, and what precautions should I take?

Our experts said: With normal daily use, the exercisers should last for many months. However, they won't last forever. They may break if stretched beyond 300% elongation, or if they are used with small tears or abrasions. These small tears and abrasions usually occur at the "connection point" of the band or tubing to an attachment device. Therefore, always inspect the band or tubing (particularly near the connection) before use. It is recommended to use the Thera-Band Door Anchor, Exercise Handle, and Assist for connection. Be aware that jewelry, fingernails, and other sharp objects may cause small tears or abrasions. Always protect the eyes during exercise with elastic bands or tubing. Do not stretch bands or tubing beyond 4 times their resting length (300% elongation).