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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here is the answer to your frequently-asked question:


Your question was: How do I know what ball size to recommend?

Our experts said: The size of the ball should be based on the height of the person. Proper ball size allows a person to sit upright on the ball with the hips and knees bent to 90 degrees. The following chart provides a guide to follow; however, there may be individual differences due to variations in leg and trunk height:


Ball Size/Color

4" 7' - 5" 0'
(140 - 153 cm)

45 cm / yellow

5" 1' - 5" 6'
(155 - 168 cm)

55 cm / red

5" 7' - 6" 1'
(170 - 185 cm)

65 cm / green

6" 2'  - 6" 8'
(188 - 203 cm)

75 cm / blue

Over 6" 9'
(205 cm)

85 cm / silver



Exercise Ball: Frequently Asked Questions
Can I print handouts from your website for my clients?
How much do your products cost?
Do the TheraBand exercise balls contain latex?
Do you have a manual of exercises or video for the Exercise Ball?
How can I get replacement air plugs for the exercise ball?
How do I add or remove air from the ball?
Why doesn't the air pump nozzle fit in my ball?
How do persons with severe balance problems use the ball?
How can I get better traction on the floor using my Exercise Ball?
What is the weight limit on the Exercise Ball?
How do I know what ball size to recommend?
How do I patch holes in the ball?
What is the proper inflation size of the Exercise Ball?
How do I inflate the exercise ball to the correct size?
Will the Exercise Ball burst? It has to be blown up at least 4" more according to the instructions and it looks already full.
How can I prevent the ball from getting holes or bursting?
How do I clean my Thera-Band® Exercise Ball?
Can I lift weights while using the Exercise Ball?
How do I inflate the Pro Series Ball?
How much air do I put in my Exercise Ball?
Can I use the Exericse Ball as an office chair?
How do I purchase your products?
Do you support research projects with your products?