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29 research references match your search criteria.
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Key study  Ellenbecker TS, et al. 2015. Muscular activation during plyometric exercises in 90 of glenohumeral joint abduction Sports Health 7(1):75-9
Ellenbecker et al. 2018. Dual- versus single-vector external rotation exercise: an analysis of rotator cuff and scapular muscle activation using elastic resistance (CLX) (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):3
Ellenbecker et al. 2007. Muscle activation during elastic resistance exercises with and without upper arm support in 90 degrees of glenohumeral joint abduction Proceedings of the 9th Annual TRAC Meeting. Budapest, Hungary p. 9-10
Ellenbecker T et al 2008. Muscle activation during elastic and plyometric exercises in 90 degrees of glenohumeral joint abduction. (Abstract). J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 38(1):A80-1
Ellenbecker T et al. 2010. ROTATOR CUFF AND SCAPULAR MUSCLE ACTIVATION DURING EXTERNAL ROTATION OSCILLATION & AND RESISTED WALL WALK ELEVATION EXERCISES WITH ELASTIC RESISTANCE Proceedings of the 12th Annual Thera-Band® Research Advisory Committee July 19-21, 2010. Athens, Greece. p 9-10.
Ellenbecker T, et al. 2014. A Descriptive Analysis of Muscle Activation during an Isometric Scapular Retraction Exercise with Elastic Resistance Proceedings of the 16th TRAC meeting. Park City Utah. August 6-8, 2014. p. 6
Ellenbecker T, et al. 2014. Analysis of upper trapezius muscular activity during posterior rotator cuff exercise: effect of head and neck position (Abstract) J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 44(1):A56
Ellenbecker T, et al. 2011. Perceived Self-Report of Effort During Rotator Cuff & Scapular Exercise in Patients during Shoulder Rehabilitation Proceedings of the 13th annual TRAC Meeting. July 22-24, 2011. San Francisco. Page 13-4
Ellenbecker T, et al. 2017. The acute effects of TheraBand kinesiology tape application on glenohumeral joint isometric rotational strength (Abstract). J Perform Health Res. 1(2):10-11
Ellenbecker TS 2001. Proprioception and neuromuscular control of the glenohumeral joint: basic science to clinical application APTA Sports Physical Therapy Section Home Study Course 1-33
Ellenbecker TS 1995. Rehabilitation of shoulder and elbow injuries in tennis players Clin Sports Med 14(1):87-109
Ellenbecker TS et al 1999. Glenohumeral joint range of motion and rotator cuff strength following arthroscopic anterior stabilization with thermal capsulorraphy J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 29(3):160-167
Ellenbecker TS et al 1999. Glenohumeral joint range of motion and rotator cuff strength following arthroscopic anterior stabilization with thermal capsulorraphy. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 29(3):160-7.
Ellenbecker TS et al. 2012. Analysis of rotator cuff and scapular muscle activation during elastic resistance, external rotation oscillation, and band walk exercises (abstract). J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 42(1):A42
Ellenbecker TS et al. 2006. Descriptive Report of Shoulder Range of Motion and Rotational Strength 6 and 12 Weeks Following Rotator Cuff Repair Using a Mini-Open Deltoid Splitting Technique J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 36(5):326-335
Ellenbecker TS et al. 2007. Muscle Activation During Elastic & Plyometric Exercises in 90 Degrees of Glenohumeral Joint Abduction Proceedings of the 9th Annual TRAC Meeting. Budapest, Hungary p. 8
Ellenbecker TS, Cappel K 2000. Clinical application of closed kinetic chain exercises in the upper extremities Orthop Phys Ther Clin North Am 9(2):231-245
Ellenbecker TS, Cools A 2010 . Rehabilitation of shoulder impingement syndrome and rotator cuff injuries: an evidence-based review Br J Sports Med Apr;44(5):319-27.
Ellenbecker TS, Derscheid G 1989. Rehabilitation of overuse injuries of the shoulder Clin Sports Med 8(3):583-604
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