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27 research references match your search criteria.
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Behm et al. 2018. Biofreeze and rolling alone or in combination did not increase flexibility, pain pressure threshold or fatigue performance (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):15
Bishop et al 2018. Effect of Biofreeze®, TheraBand® kinesiology tape, or the combination of products, on acute low back pain and disability (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):7
Bishop et al 2018. The effect of Biofreeze® vs. a placebo on knee osteoarthritis walking gait characteristics and pain (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):7-8
Brosky et al. 2018. Jamar PlusTM normative hand grip and pinch strength values in an adult population: pilot findings (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):18-19
Calatayud et al 2018. Effectiveness of progressive TheraBand® strength training performed in primary care for patients with chronic low back pain: randomized controlled trial (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):5-6
Chaabene et al. 2018. Acute effects of combined strengthening and rollermassage exercises on twitch torque, muscle activation, and maximal voluntary contraction in young adults (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):17-18
Colado et al 2018. Effects of multicomponent and power training programs using elastic devices on motor function, body composition, and metabolic, bone and inflammatory profile in older adults (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):4-5
Craighead et al. 2018. TheraBand® roller massager increases cutaneous blood flow and neurosensory threshold of Ad and Ab sensory nerve fibers (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):11
Ellenbecker et al. 2018. Dual- versus single-vector external rotation exercise: an analysis of rotator cuff and scapular muscle activation using elastic resistance (CLX) (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):3
Etnoyer-Slaski et al 2018. The effect of progressing ankle brace restriction on walking and running gait characteristics in healthy individuals (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):19-20
Gagnon et al. 2018. The effect of Biofreeze® on delayed onset muscle soreness–induced changes to running biomechanics (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):10-11
Gallo et al. 2018. Therapeutic ultrasound and short wave diathermy: dosing to induce vigorous heating prior to stretching, soft tissue mobilization, and joint mobilization techniques (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):20-21
Greenstein et al 2018. Immediate and short-term effect of Biofreeze® versus placebo on acute neck pain and disability (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):8-9
Greenstein et al 2018. The effect of Biofreeze® vs. a placebo on chronic low back pain walking gait characteristics and pain (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):8-9
Guo et al. 2018. Effect of TheraBand® kinesiology tape and Biofreeze® on pain and functional performance in runners with shin splints (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):12-3
Hoogenboom et al. 2018. EMG activation of lower extremity and trunk muscles and translation of center of mass during elastic-resisted squatting in 4 different upper extremity positions (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):1-2
Khuzeykin et al. 2018. Quadriceps femoris muscle force production using a portable neuromuscular electrical stimulation device (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):20
Labbe et al. 2018. The effect of topical menthol vs. ice on postural sway: a feasibility study (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):10
Low et al. 2018. Time course of neuromuscular alterations in middle-distance runners following a CLX conditioning stimulus and subsequent 5-km time trial run (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):3-4
Monteiro et al. 2018. Quadriceps’ and hamstrings’ foam rolling and stretching increases passive shoulder range of motion (Abstract) J Perform Health Res 2(2):15-6
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