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72 research references match your search criteria.
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Key study  Bellows R, Wong CK 2018. The effect of bracing and balance training on ankle sprain incidence among athletes: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 13(3):379-388.
Key study  Doherty et al. 2017. Treatment and prevention of acute and recurrent ankle sprain: an overview of systematic reviews with meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med. 51(2):113-125.
Key study  Klem et al. 2017. Effect of External Ankle Support on Ankle and Knee Biomechanics During the Cutting Maneuver in Basketball Players. Am J Sports Med. 45(3):685-691.
Key study  McCaw S & Cerullo JF 1999. Prophylactic ankle stabilizers affect ankle joint kinematics during drop landings. Med Sci Sports Exerc. May;31(5):702-7.
Key study  Tamura K, et al. 2017. The effects of ankle braces and taping on lower extremity running kinematics and energy expenditure in healthy, non-injured adults Gait Posture. Jul 18;58:108-114. [Epub ahead of print]
Key study  Vuurberg G et al 2018. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ankle sprains: update of an evidence-based clinical guideline. Br J Sports Med. 52(15):956
Key study  West T et al 2014. The effect of ankle bracing on knee kinetics and kinematics during volleyball-specific tasks. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 24(6):958-63.
Key study  Willeford K et al. 2018. Collegiate Football Players' Ankle Range of Motion and Dynamic Balance in Braced and Self-Adherent-Taped Conditions J Athl Train 53(1):66-71.
Amoroso et al. 1998. Braced for impact: reducing military paratroopers' ankle sprains using outside-the-boot braces. J Trauma 45(3):575-80
Baier M, Hopf T. 1998. Ankle orthoses effect on single-limb standing balance in athletes with functional ankle instability Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 79(8):939-44.
Barbanera et al 2014. Semi-rigid brace and taping decrease variability of the ankle joint position sense Motriz Rev Educ Fis 20:448-53
Barbosa GM et al 2018. Ankle taping and bracing does not change static and dynamic balance in volleyball players Sport Sci Health Ahead of print
Barelds et al 2018. Ankle Bracing is Effective for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Acute Ankle Injuries in Athletes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses. Sports Med. 48(12):2775-2784
Barkoukis V et al 2002. Effectiveness of taping and bracing in balance. Percept Mot Skills. 94(2):566-74.
Bennell KL, Goldie PA. 1994. The differential effects of external ankle support on postural control. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 20(6):287-95.
Bocchinfuso et al. 1994. Effects of Two Semirigid Prophylactic Ankle Stabilizers on Speed, Agility, and Vertical Jump J Sports Rehabil 3(2):125-34
Broglio SP et al. 2009. The influence of ankle support on postural control. J Sci Med Sport. 12(3):388-92.
Brosky T et al. 2016. A comparison between single and double upright ankle braces on ankle range of motion, functional performance, and satisfaction of brace characteristics (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):17
Brosky T, et al. 2017. Effects of single upright, double upright and lace-up ankle braces on vertical jump performance in female college volleyball players (Abstract). J Perform Health Res. 1(2):13-14
Brosky T, Topp R 2015. A comparison between rigid and lace-up ankle braces on ankle range of motion limitations, functional performance, and satisfaction of brace characteristics (Abstract). Proceedings of the 17th annual TRAC meeting. Vancouver, BC. July 29-31, 2015. p. 16
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