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37 research references match your search criteria.
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Key study  Aboodarda et al. 2016. Muscle activation comparisons between elastic and isoinertial resistance: A meta-analysis. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 39:52-61.
Key study  Ahn et al. 2016. Effects of 12-week exercise training on osteocalcin, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein concentrations, and insulin resistance in elderly females with osteoporosis. J Phys Ther Sci. 28(8):2227-31.
Key study  Riel et al. 2016. Efficacy of live feedback to improve objectively monitored compliance to prescribed, home-based, exercise therapy-dosage in 15 to 19 year old adolescents with patellofemoral pain- a study protocol of a randomized controlled superiority trial (The XRCISE-AS-INSTRUcted-1 trial). BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 17:242.
Akehi et al. 2016. Ankle Joint Angle and Lower Leg Musculotendinous Unit Responses to Cryotherapy. J Strength Cond Res. 30(9):2482-92.
Bulbrook et al. 2016. A biomechanical analysis of the barbell squat using theraband loop. (Abstract) n the Proceedings of the 19th Biennial Canadian Society for Biomechanics (CSB) conference Hamilton, ON, Canada, July 19-22, 2016.
Cabanas-Valdes R et al 2015. The effect of additional core stability exercises on improving dynamic sitting balance and trunk control for subacute stroke patients: A randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil 30(10):1024-1033
Griefahn et al. 2017. Do exercises with the Foam Roller have a short-term impact on the thoracolumbar fascia?—A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 21:186-93
Grimm et al. 2016. Ankle Injury Prevention Programs for Soccer Athletes Are Protective: A Level-I Meta-Analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 98(17):1436-43.
Hanratty et al. 2016. Physical Therapists' Perceptions and Use of Exercise in the Management of Subacromial Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: Focus Group Study. Phys Ther. 96(9):1354-63.
Intelangelo et al. 2016. Effects of scapular taping in young adults with shoulder pain and scapular dyskinesis. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 20(3):525-32.
Jeon et al. 2016. The effect of Monkey Chair and Band exercise system on shoulder range of motion and pain in post-stroke patients with hemiplegia. J Phys Ther Sci. 28(8):2232-7.
Karagiannopoulos et al. 2016. Rehabilitation strategies for wrist sensorimotor control impairment: From theory to practice. J Hand Ther. 29(2):154-65.
Laborie M et al 2015. Inefficacy of Kinesio-Taping® on early postoperative pain after ACL reconstruction: Prospective comparative study. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res 101(8):963-7
Lantto et al. 2016. A Prospective Randomized Trial Comparing Surgical and Nonsurgical Treatments of Acute Achilles Tendon Ruptures. Am J Sports Med. 44(9):2406-14.
Lee et al. 2016. A Preliminary Study on the Efficacy of a Community-Based Physical Activity Intervention on Physical Function-Related Risk Factors for Falls Among Breast Cancer Survivors. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 95(8):561-70.
Lee et al. 2016. The effects of trunk kinesio taping on balance ability and gait function in stroke patients. J Phys Ther Sci. 28(8):2385-8.
Lee HC et al 2015. Effect of exercise performance by elderly women on balance ability and muscle function. J Phys Ther Sci 27(4):989-92
Lee SW et al 2015. Effects of hip exercises for chronic low-back pain patients with lumbar instability. J Phys Ther Sci 27(2):345-8
Leininger et al. 2016. Cost-effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy, supervised exercise, and home exercise for older adults with chronic neck pain. Spine J. Ahead of print
Maconi et al. 2016. Effects of a 12-week neck muscles training on muscle function and perceived level of muscle soreness in amateur rugby players. Sport Sci Health. Ahead of print
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