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320 research references match your search criteria.
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Key study  Abbott JH et al 2015. The Incremental Effects of Manual Therapy or Booster Sessions in Addition to Exercise Therapy for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 45(12):975-83
Key study  Abbott JH et al. 2013. Manual therapy, exercise therapy, or both, in addition to usual care, for osteoarthritis of the hip or knee: a randomized controlled trial. 1: clinical effectiveness. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 21(4):525-34
Key study  Anderson K et al. 2005. The impact of instability resistance training on balance and stability Sports Med 35(1):43-53
Key study  Anderson K, Behm DG 2005. Trunk muscle activity increases with unstable squat movements Can J Appl Physiol 30(1):33-45
Key study  Behm D, Sanchez JC 2012. The effectiveness of resistance training using unstable surfaces and devices for rehabilitation Int J Sports Phys Ther. 7(2):226-241
Key study  Behm DG et al. 2006. The role of instability with resistance training J Strength Cond Res 20(3):716-22.
Key study  Behm DG, et al. 2010. The use of instability to train the core musculature. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. Feb;35(1):91-108.
Key study  Blackburn JT et al 2000. Balance and joint stability: the relative contributions of proprioception and muscular strength J Sport Rehabil 9:315-328
Key study  Boeer J, et al. 2010. Effects of a sensory-motor exercise program for older adults with osteoarthritis or prosthesis of the hip using measurements made by the Posturomed oscillatory platform. J Geriatric Phys Ther. 33(1):10-15
Key study  Bolgla et al. 2016. Pain, function, and strength outcomes for males and females with patellofemoral pain who participate in either a hip/core- or knee-based rehabilitation program. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 11(6):926-935.
Key study  DiStefano LJ, et al. 2009 . Evidence supporting balance training in healthy individuals: a systemic review. J Strength Cond Res 23(9):2718-31.
Key study  Eils E et al 1991. A multi-station proprioceptive exercise program in patients with ankle instability Med Sci Sports Exerc 33(12):1991-1998
Key study  Emery CA, Meeuwisse WH 2010. The effectiveness of a neuromuscular prevention strategy to reduce injuries in youth soccer: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Br J Sports Med 44:555-562
Key study  Hasegawa R, et al. 2010. Effects of combined balance and resistance exercise on reducing knee pain in community-dwelling older adults Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics 28(1):44-56
Key study  Hilberg T et al 2003. Physical training increases isometric muscular strength and proprioceptive performance in haemophilic subjects Haemophelia 9(1):86-93
Key study  Hirsch MA et al 2003. The effects of balance training and high-intensity resistance training on persons with idiopathic Parkinson's disease Arch Phys Med Rehabil 84(8):1109-17
Key study  Holm I et al 2004. Effect of neuromuscular training on proprioception, balance, muscle strength, and lower limb function in female team handball players Clin J Sport Med 14(2):88-94
Key study  Hübscher M, et al. 2010 . Neuromuscular training for sports injury prevention: a systematic review. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Mar;42(3):413-21.
Key study  Islam MM, et al 2004. Effects of combined sensory and muscular training in Japanese older adults Prev Med 39:1148-1155
Key study  Kim B et al. 2006. The Effect of Fall Prevention Exercise Program for the Elderly (Abstract) Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 38(5) Supplement May:S443
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