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42 research references match your search criteria.
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Key study  Brown M. et al 2000. Low-intensity exercise as a modifier of physical frailty in older adults Arch Phys Med Rehabil 81:960-965
Key study  Brown, K et al. 2012. Prehabilitation and quality of life three months after total knee arthroplasty: a pilot study. Perceptual and Motor Skills: Physical Development and Measurement. 155(3):1-10.
Key study  Dickens VA et al. 2005. Role of Physiotherapy in the treatment of subacromial impingement syndrome: a prospective study Physiotherapy 91:159-164
Key study  Gill TM et al 2002. A program to prevent functional decline in physically frail, elderly persons who live at home N Engl J Med 347(14):1068-74
Key study  Gill TM et al. 2004 . A prehabilitation program for the prevention of functional decline: effect on higher-level physical function Arch Phys Med Rehabil 85(7):1043-9
Key study  Haahr JP et al. 2005. Exercises versus arthroscopic decompression in patients with subacromial impingement: a randomised, controlled study in 90 cases with a one year follow up Ann Rheum Dis 64(5):760-4
Key study  Keays SL et al. 2006. The effectiveness of a pre-operative home-based physiotherapy programme for chronic anterior cruciate ligament deficiency Physiother Res Int 11(4):204-18
Key study  Swank et al. 2011. Prehabilitation before total knee arthroplasty increases strength and function in older adults with severe osteoarthritis. J Strength Cond Res 25(2):318-25.
Key study  Topp R et al. 2009. The effect of prehabilitation exercise on strength and functioning after total knee arthroplasty. Phys Med Rehabil 1(8):729-35.
Bhave A, Baker E 2008 . Prescribing quality patellofemoral rehabilitation before advocating operative care Orthop Clin North Am. 39(3):275-85
Boshuizen HC et al 2005. The Effects of Physical Therapists' Guidance on Improvement in a Strength-Training Program for the Frail Elderly J Aging Phys Activity 13(1):5-22
Brown K et al. 2010. Preoperative exercise boosts TKA outcomes Lower Extremity Review March 2010
Brown K, et al. 2010 . Prehabilitation versus usual care before total knee arthroplasty: A case report comparing outcomes within the same individual. Physiother Theory Pract. 26(6):399-407.
Brown, K et al. 2012. Effects of Pre-habilitation on Self-Efficacy for Exercise and Outcome Expectations for Exercise Among Patients Before and After Total Knee Arthroplasty (Abstract) American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 31, 2012.
Debigare et al 1999. Feasibility and efficacy of home exercise training before lung volume reduction J Cardiopulmon Rehabil 19:235-241
Deyle GD et al 2000. Effectiveness of manual physical therapy and exercise in osteoarthritis of the knee Ann Int Med 132(3):173-181
Ditmyer MM et al 2002. Prehabilitation in preparation for orthopaedic surgery Orthop Nurs 21(5):43-51
Fisher M et al. 2007. The Effect of Prehabilitation Exercise Prior To Knee Arthroplasty on Functional Ability (Abstract) Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 39(5) Supplement May 2007p S316
Gill T. M. et al 2003. A prehabilitation program for physically frail community-living older persons Arch Phys Med Reabil 84:394-404
Gill T. M. et al 2003. Prehabilitation program for the prevention of functional decline: evidence fo an expanded benefit (Abstract) J Am Geriatric Soc 51(4):S36-37
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