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Thera-Band Resources: Article

Injury : Knee Osteoarthritis
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Dr. Kent Brown recently published a case report on a 69 year old patient who underwent two separate total knee replacement surgeries. Her first surgery on the right knee was preceded with “usual” care (no prehab), while her left knee replacement was preceded by 4 weeks of prehab.
Several studies have shown that exercises with elastic resistance such as Thera-Band® resistance bands reduce pain and improve function in patients with knee osteoarthritis (O’Reilly et al. 1999, Topp et al. 2002). Researchers in Japan investigated the effectiveness of home physical therapy exercises in community-dwelling females with mild knee pain.
by Phil Page. Active Aging Today. Vol 1 Issue 1
Knee pain is common in older adults and usually results from osteoarthritis. Researchers at Nagoya City University in Japan investigated the effects of combined resistance and balance exercises in older adults with knee pain. 28 men and women (average 77 years old) were randomly assigned to either a control or exercise group.