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Thera-Band Resources: Article

Injury : Shoulder Impingement
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The study published in the British Medical Journal compared 12 weeks of physiotherapy and home exercise using elastic tubing with 4 to 6 treatments of Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Treatment (REST).

64% of the exercise patients and only 36% of the shockwave treatment patients had significant improvement in pain and disability, and more patients in the exercise group returned to work.

An exercise program with Thera-Band elastic resistance may be beneficial in reducing shoulder injuries in overhead workers.
Shoulder impingement is a very common cause of shoulder pain. Impingement occurs when the humerus ‘impinges’ on the acromion of the shoulder, reducing the subacromial space (SAS). Impingement may result from structural causes such as bony deformation of the acromion, or as a functional result of shoulder instability and weakness.
Thera-Band® resistance band exercises are commonly used in rehabilitation of shoulder impingement. In fact, nearly 75% (9 out of 13) of the studies in a systematic review of physiotherapy exercises for impingement included elastic resistance exercise for the rotator cuff and scapula. In their review, Kromer and colleagues found that passive treatments (such as modalities only) are not effective and cannot be justified when treating shoulder impingement.