Supported Research

Academy Title:Effects of Pre-Season and In-Season Proprioceptive and Balance Training on Ankle Injury in Female Collegiate Athletes
Purpose: To develop a brief (5-10 minute) proprioceptive/balance/agility exercise program to incorporate into daily practice routines in Division II female collegiate athletes (volleyball, soccer and field hockey) and examine incidence of ankle injury (e.g. sprains) and any potential preventive effects of such a program.

Methods: Female Division II athletes from volleyball, soccer and field hockey will undergo routine pre-participation exams including physical and agility baseline testing, joint laxity, and injury history. Athletes, trainers and coaches will be instructed in exercise routine which will be incorporated into and performed at the beginning of each practice. Incidence/severity of ankle injury will be monitored during season as well as athlete reported feedback on compliance, satisfaction, and other self-reported benefits.

Proprioceptive programs are developed primarily around the performance of exercises/tasks/activities with use of Theraband products: Foam ovals/discs and multi-axial wobble boards.

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