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Pop et al. 2014

The influence of Kinesiology Taping on the reduction of lymphoedema among women after mastectomy – preliminary study 

  1. Kinesiology Taping technique was used in the study group as well as in the clinical control one. The therapy took 21 days. According to Kinesiology Taping technique, the tapes were applied three times every 7 days, which is in accordance with the used application technique, and the measurement was made before every application and at the end of the therapy (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th examination).

    The own taping method was implemented in the study group. The elevation of the swollen upper limb was used before applying the tapes, which took 20 minutes. Then, the lymphatic application consisting of two parts, the spiral and directional one, was used. The spiral application was based on applying 4 tails of the tape on the entire length of the upper limb with 10% stretch. The base part of the tape which was 2 cm long was applied in the most distant part of the oedema. The tails of the tapes were applied at a 45-degree angle in the upper limb. Directional applica- tion consisted of the base part and 4 tails. The 2 cm long base part was applied without stretch of the tape. Four tails were applied with 10% stretch. The tails were applied in the non-operated lymph nodes on the opposite side. The own method of applying the tape started at the most distant part of the limb, moving to the proximal one (Fig. 2).

    The traditional method was implemented in the clinical control group. The application ways and the level of tail stretch were the same as in the own method. The difference lay in the direction of tape application and the lack of limb elevation. In the traditional method, the direction of application was from the proximal part of the limb to the most distant one. 

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