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Academy Speaker Information

Speaker Name: Shu Yan Ng
Located In: Hong Kong
Affiliation: He worked as Clinic Director in different facilities in Singapore and Hong Kong and retired from chiropractic practice in December 2009. He is at present the clinical advisor to a pedorthic facility.

He was the Vice President of Hong Kong Chiropractors’ Association and that of Chiropractic Association (Singapore). He was past Chairman of Chiropractic Council (HK).
Dr Ng Shu Yan graduated from Anglo-European College of Chiropractic, UK in 1976, with the “Best Student Award” granted by the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. In 1978, his paper “The influence of psoas myospasm in kyphotic and lordotic sacrolumbar spine” was awarded first in the scientific paper competition organized by the Technic Council of American Chiropractic Association. He is a Certified Pedorthist. He obtained “Master of Applied Science” from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia in 1998. He published many professional papers and a book. The papers appeared in ACA Journal of Chiropractic, European Journal of Chiropractic and Journal of Manipulative and Physiotherapeutics. He also authored a book, titled “Chiropractic Approach to Low Back Pain Syndromes”. He was granted a patent for designing a biofeedback low back cushion in the year 2007.
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