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36 research references match your search criteria.
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Key study indicates Key Reseach

Key study  Rogers ME et al. 2016. Lasting effects of Biofreeze on pain relief in sedentary young men and women with delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):65
Aboodarda SJ et al. 2016. Eccentric and concentric jumping performance during augmented jumps with elastic resistance: a meta-analysis (Abstract) J Performance Health 1(1):10
Aboodarda SJ et al. 2016. Muscle activation comparisons between elastic and isoinertial resistance: a meta-analysis (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):10
Aboodarda SJ, et al. 2016. The effect of using roller massager on excitability of the corticospinal pathway (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):61
Bishop BN et al. 2016. Tension of Theraband® Kinesiology Tape on Shoulder Pain (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):69
Bishop BN et al. 2016. The effect of Biofreeze® on the adhesion and performance of TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):67-8
Brosky T et al. 2016. A comparison between single and double upright ankle braces on ankle range of motion, functional performance, and satisfaction of brace characteristics (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):17
Brosky T et al. 2016. College athlete’s perceptions and use of elastic therapeutic tape (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):66-7
Casanova N, et al. 2016. Effects of Roller Massager on Muscle Recovery After Exercise Induced Muscle Damage (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):63
Cavanaugh et al. 2017. Foam Rolling of Quadriceps Decreases Biceps Femoris Activation. J Strength Cond Res. 31(8):2238-2245.
Cavanaugh MT, et al. 2016. An acute session of roller massage prolongs voluntary and tetanic force development and diminishes evoked pain (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):62
Cavanaugh MT, et al. 2016. Foam rolling of quadriceps decreases biceps femoris activation (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):62
Colado JC et al 2016. Effects of a long-term resistance training program with different intensities and devices on fitness, body composition, cardiometabolic risk, immune system, and wellbeing of older adults (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):14-15
Craighead D & Alexander L 2016. Time course of menthol’s effects on the cutaneous microvasculature (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):64-5
Etnoyer-Slaski JL et al 2016. EMG Activation of Cervical Musculature during a Series of Neck Strengthening Exercises in a Girls Soccer Population. (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):74-5.
Forman DA, et al. 2016. Theraband CLX Increases Medial Knee Collapse during an Overhead Barbell Squat (Abstract) J Performance Health 1(1):11
Forman J et al. 2016. Effects of massage and Kinesiology Tape on neck pain, range of motion, and forward head posture in individuals with non-specific neck and shoulder pain (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):71
Grabow L et al. 2016. The effect of varied force applications with self-manual therapy on range of motion and voluntary contractile properties (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):61
Greenstein J et al. 2016. A comparison of adhesion properties and skin sensation between TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape combined with Biofreeze® and RockTape combined with RockSauce Chill (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):68-9
Greenstein J et al. 2016. The effect of TheraBand® Kinesiology Tape on post-manipulation pain and range of motion (Abstract). J Performance Health 1(1):71-2
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