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Thera-Band Resources: Article

Product : FlexBar® Exerciser
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5 resources match your search criteria.

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People with pain in the elbow or forearm from playing sports or just from common everyday activities, might be able to use a Thera-Band FlexBar and strengthening exercise to alleviate pain, say researchers who are presenting their study results at the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine’s Annual Meeting
by Dr. Mary Sanders (Health & Fitness Journal. 2008: 11(4):29-32)
In response to the many requests for an exercise for Golfer's Elbow, Tyler invented the "Reverse Tyler Twist." The exercise uses the same Thera-Band FlexBar color progression, and emphasizes an eccentric contraction of the wrist flexors and pronators....
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy. 2006. 10:77-84. (308K)