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Thera-Band Resources: Article

Product : Soft Weights
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6 resources match your search criteria.

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By Dr. Michael Rogers. Journal of Active Aging. 2(5):24-32.
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy. 2006. 10:77-84. (308K)
Athletic training researchers investigated the effects of a shoulder training program with and without core stability exercises. 19 baseball players were randomly assigned to an open and closed-chain exercise program, or the same program with additional core training.
Today’s young high-level athletes are typically involved in year-round competition and training. One of the most important attributes of a tennis player is serve velocity and accuracy. Few studies have been conducted on the effects of strength training on serve performance in adult players. In the Journal of Sports Science and Medicineresearchers published the first study on the benefits of strength training on serve velocity in junior tennis players.