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Doshi et al. 2016

Short-term effects of kinesiotaping on pain and function in patients with plantar fasciitis

The patient’s skin was cleaned with an alcohol pad to remove superficial oils and dirt in an effort to effectively adhere the tape to the skin. e tape was measured and cut from 2 inches proximal to the toes on the dorsum of the foot, around the toes and under the foot and up to the distal one-third of the gastrocnemius muscle. Two button holes were cut into the tape where it passed over the 2nd and 3rd toes (Figure 1). Vertical slits were cut into the tape to create a fan over the portion of the tape that passed over the plantar fascia on its way to the calcaneus (Figure 2). e foot was held into neutral dorsiflexion for application of the tape (Figure 3). e anchor of the button holes were placed with paper off tension. e pieces of the fan were placed along the length of the plantar fascia with 75% tension. en the tape continued over the Achilles tendon with 50% tension and as the tape passed over the musculoskeletal junction, 25% tension was applied on the tape. e tail end of the tape was applied up the gastrocnemius with paper off tension. Paper off tension describes applying the tape on to the skin with no more stretch than what already exists on the tape when the backing is removed. Percentages of tension on the tape were applied by investigator 1, by stretching the tape to its maximum and then backing off the tension to the determined percentage.
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