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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here is the answer to your frequently-asked question:


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Our experts said:

Exercise bands and tubes do not have a specific life expectancy, and in general, tend to give users a long term of service. The life of these products is more dependent upon frequency and method of use – as well as exposure to environmental factors more than anything (e.g. heat or sharp/abrasive objects). It is very important that the user regularly inspect the products prior to use and replace if necessary. Look for nicks, tears or abrasion in exercise bands and tubes.


TheraBand Tubing: Frequently Asked Questions
Can I print handouts from your website for my clients?
Can I use multiple pieces of bands or tubing to increase the resistance of an exercise?
Can Thera-Band resistance bands / tubing be chewed for oral sensory input exercises?
Do I need to have eye protection while using Thera-Band elastic resistance?
Do the bands or tubing stretch out over time with repeated use?
Do Thera-Band latex bands and tubing contain phthalates, PVC, or lead?
How do bands and tubing compare to free weights (such as dumbbells)?
How many calories are burned when strengthening with elastic resistance?
What color band or tubing should I use?
What is RPE or "Rating of Perceived Exertion"
What is the OMNI Scale, and how is it used?
What resistance or force is produced by the bands and tubing?